A groundbreaking patient-led initiative to elevate lived experience as essential expertise in psychedelic research, treatment, and policy.
Psychedelic therapy has been redefining mental healthcare, yet one crucial voice remains underrepresented: the people who have actually undergone treatment. While clinical and scientific expertise are essential, they cannot fully capture the personal, emotional, and psychological dimensions of healing. Lived experience offers unique insights that bridge the gap between research, therapy, and real-world impact.
Despite growing recognition, lived experience remains an undervalued form of expertise. Patient stories are often amplified at extremes—either celebrated as miraculous recoveries or framed as cautionary tales. This oversimplified narrative lacks nuance and overlooks the depth, complexity, and wisdom of these experiences, limiting progress in patient-centered care.
The Psychedelic Lived Experiences is here to change that. By fostering collaboration between patients, researchers, and therapists, we ensure that those most impacted have a voice in shaping psychedelic treatments that are safer, more effective, and ethically grounded.
November 21-23, 2025
Join a pioneering 3-day virtual event on lived experience in psychedelic care. Patients, therapists, and researchers share insights, challenges, and key lessons to improve patient experiences, clinical outcomes, and quality of life.
Beyond the summit, our ongoing projects bridge the gap between firsthand experience, research, and practice to drive meaningful improvements in trials and treatments.
Join a pioneering event that puts lived experience at the forefront of psychedelic research and treatment.
Stay ahead with the latest research, patient stories, and expert insights on elevating lived experience expertise.
Research publications, articles, videos, and other educational content related to the role of lived experience.
In-depth conversations with patients, researchers, and clinicians exploring the real-world impact of psychedelics.
> Coming soon <
A collection of lived experience stories, insights, and vital lessons shaping the future of psychedelic healing.
> Coming soon <
A network uniting patients, researchers, and clinicians to advance patient-centered psychedelic care and policy.
> Coming soon <
Lived experience is powerful but only when it’s heard. Whether you're a patient, therapist, researcher, or advocate, there are ways to contribute.
✓ Speak at the summit
✓ Share your story
✓ Collaborate with us
✓ Stay connected
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